
We need your support!  With our sights keenly set on the celebration of Lexington’s 250th anniversary in 2025, we are working diligently to create in-depth and engaging exhibits, forging new partnerships throughout the city to broaden our reach and impact, and continuing to collect, preserve, and tell the stories of the materials in our care.  

We want the Lexington History Museum to be a place where our visitors, whether they are local residents or tourists, experience ALL of Lexington’s past—the triumphs and tragedies, important steps and missteps, as well as significant progress and missed opportunities. The information and experiences we offer can help people to “connect the dots” between our past and our future and expand our vision for what is possible.


Corporate sponsorships are an excellent way to gain visibility for your company and support the Museum. Please email us and a representative of LexHistory will contact you to discuss further.  A list of these opportunities can be found here.


You can invest in the LexHistory mission and vision in a variety of ways. Please consider which method is most appropriate for you in making a tax-deductible, charitable contribution.

Outright Gifts – Gifts of cash by check or credit card, either monthly, quarterly, or all at one time, that provide immediate financial assistance to LexHistory.

Pledges – A formal Declaration of Intent to invest in LexHistory by making regular annual donations over a specific time period.

Appreciated Securities (Stock Gifts) – Gifts of long-term, appreciated securities have two major advantages: (1) providing an income tax deduction and (2) eliminating capital gains taxes to the extent allowed by law.

Gifts in Honor or Gifts in Memory – Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one, friend, colleague or business.

Endowment Gifts – Gifts made to the Thomas D. Clark Endowment are permanently invested. Only a portion of the annual interest income is spent each budget year.

Planned (Deferred) Gifts – These gifts are designed to maximize your investment in LexHistory and may achieve specific tax advantages for you or your designated beneficiaries, either now or at the time of your death. You should consult your tax- or estate-planning advisor about the type of planned gift that is most appropriate for you and your family.

Donate by check: Mail to Lexington History Museum, P. O. Box 748, Lexington, KY 40588. Please make checks payable to Lexington History Museum.

Recognition Opportunities

LexHistory is deeply grateful to you – our donors who invest in our mission and vision. We welcome gifts of any amount. In appreciation of your support, we offer the following levels of recognition:

Annual Fund Investors
(Unrestricted Annual Gifts)

Lexington Circle  $1-$499
Fayette Circle  $500 – $999
Bluegrass Circle   $1,000- $4,999
Kentucky Circle  $5,000+

Thomas D. Clark Endowment Investors
(Unrestricted Endowment Gifts)
Pledged over a maximum of five years

Thomas D. Clark Society  $5,000 – $9,999
Thomas D. Clark Fellows  $10,000+